We women are strong and brave. Do you know why? Because we give birth and bring new life into the world. I am a 23 year old girl and I want to be a mother. This is my story: in 2021 I started taking birth control to avoid getting pregnant. I needed to work to get maternity leave and was not yet fit. I dated my boyfriend for a month and moved in with him after a month of dating.I was on birth control for just under 3 years and one day I told my boyfriend I wanted to have a baby with him. We stopped taking birth control, and at first it didn\’t feel good. Apparently, when you stop birth control, there are repercussions. About 3 months into the birth control,
– apnea
– weight gain
– hunger
No other symptoms, but it makes a lot of difference if it\’s because of birth control or because I stopped taking the supplements I\’d been taking for a year. It helped me lose 8 kg in about 3 months.After almost a year of trying, I still can\’t have a baby. I was cleaning the kitchen while on vacation and was wondering for a minute if I could have a child or if it was even possible to conceive. Suddenly, I heard something fall to the floor. I looked at the floor and saw that the pregnancy test was positive. I was confused. A few days later, I took a pregnancy test and found a strong ghost line.
One brand of test kept giving me the same test with lines and ghosting, and when I bought other tests, they were negative and so was my blood. I thought that I had lost hope again.Then, out of the blue, a friend texted me saying she had a dream about me. It was about how I was pregnant with a boy and we went to the gynecologist together. I immediately went to see her at work and explained this to her and further explained what was happening to me now, and it eventually jumped out that my friend was pregnant, even though she did not want to be, and even took the pill. I am not pregnant yet, but I believe that day will come in the near future.