The Internet has become a normal part of our lives today. It is already used by children, and often you can not do without it at work or study. We find everything we need here, thanks to which we can communicate in real time with people on the other side of the world. Of course, it happens that there are some concepts related to the Internet, which do not teach laymen much, but they are still very important.
1. One of them is the algorithm. Most people who have wandered around the net have come across this term, but most of us do not know what exactly to imagine under it. We only have a hunch that it could be related to advertising, but how, it is already a mystery. In fact, it exists everywhere and we use it every day without knowing it.
In short, the Internet, or rather individual websites, is programmed to provide content based on what we search for. For example, if you watch cat videos on YouTube, more and more cats are recommended to us. This also applies to all other topics.
Similarly, in social networks, groups of interest are offered depending on who you are interacting with and what groups you are already a member of. True, it looks convenient at first glance, but it also has its drawbacks.
The first is the fact that for this system to work, individual website operators must collect data about us. That is, they know what the interests of a particular user are and what he is pursuing. And it can reveal more about us than we think.
Then there is the fact that, in essence, thanks to this, the opposite opinion is excluded. So, even though it has been proven wrong, we are increasingly being confirmed by ourselves. A typical example is the flat Earth theory.
Therefore, you should pay attention to this, especially if you are logged in as a user. Our data is not as protected as we think.