People living in a country whose language is recognized as one of the world certainly have indisputable advantages. They don\’t need to learn any more. However, there are languages that are only spoken in 1 state. And they are unlucky. This includes the Czech Republic.
· What works for us is that if we don\’t communicate with it in the world, our Czechs are really great.
It is therefore necessary to learn some of the less beautiful but worldly things. One foreign language is now a matter of course, and no one is surprised. Butto enact another law?Schools that have tried this practice tend to have conflicting feelings.
• It would certainly be better to leave a second language as an optional subject and not include it in compulsory education.
There are children who are not very talented in learning the language and they certainly will not keep up with their classmates for a long time.
Teachers who have experience in this matter have a different view.
* Children who can not learn even the first foreign language can not master the second foreign language. [21** Not even a tutor.
* Simply put, a tutor student comes to provide two extra hours,the only thing he takes away from endless hours is a maximum of calluses.
All children are not equally talented
According to the opinion of some teachers, the second foreign language should be mandatory only in secondary schools, which are directed in this direction. There may be unpleasant situations in primary school. The student knows only part of each language, which in fact is equally useless to him.Every experienced and rational educator says that if a child fully knows his native language, it is better to know a little more languages.
* The biggest obstacle is schools that try to integrate children with even the slightest mental disorder.
* Then special schools should be reintroduced. [36* Is it not a step back?