Are you as interested in fashion as I am? To be honest, I couldn\’t imagine my life without fashion. Ever since I was a little girl, I have always wanted to be a model. Ever since I was little, I loved looking at fashion magazines, not only fashion, but also cosmetics and expensive perfumes. In fact, I grew up with fashion; you may remember a popular magazine that was all the rage in the 90s and that most women had at home. I think it was a magazine called “Burda”. That\’s where women and girls learned to sew and knit. Did you sew or knit too? For example, my grandmother always knitted me socks and gloves. To be honest, I was very happy to wear them, but what always bothered me about the socks was that when my grandmother knitted them, the toes were very pointed and the heels were very pointed.

So they seemed to be for clowns. Before that, fashion was normal, so they were probably knitting socks. Today water is completely different. For example, ankle socks are worn. But you know what else is fashionable? Like wearing mid-calf high socks. That\’s fashionable, but it has to be a quality brand, and of course it has to be in perfect condition.
That\’s how you wear your admiration, so your socks must be really perfect. I got such socks myself. They\’re bright, beautiful white socks, and they\’re designer. Wearing frayed, plain socks like these really doesn\’t make you look outsider and fashionable. You are more likely to be made fun of like that. Fashion can be cruel sometimes; what fashion accessories did you wear when you were in your twenties? For me, hip jeans were very fashionable and popular, as were bell bottoms and jeans. They were so comfortable to wear.