History of Cancer Treatment

The ancient Egyptians claimed that cancer was caused by the gods. However, cancer did not occur very often in ancient Egypt. The reason for this was that people did not live to a very old age and the environment was still clean. The Greek physician Hippocrates believed that cancer was caused by an excess of…

Simple Experiments for Little Scientists

The world is an interesting place, and many of the questions children ask you may not have answers themselves. Is your child curious, inquisitive, and always exploring? Teach your child a few experiments that will broaden their horizons and help them learn something new in the world of physics and chemistry. Besides, it will keep…

Can planting trees help fight global warming?

Today it is already clear that global climate change poses a rather serious threat not only to different ecosystems, but also to our species. After all, prolonged torrential rains following droughts and extreme weather events such as hurricanes and tornadoes are definitely not comfortable, even in places where they have not occurred before. Therefore, it…

Therapeutic needles

The first mention of acupuncture dates back to the first century B.C., but it is estimated that the tradition goes back much further in history. As a method of Chinese medicine, it is clear that this country is its birthplace. All acupuncture relies on chi energy, which is referred to as the life-giving energy that…

Interesting Science

Do you remember your first book? It was very big and had a lot of pictures in it. I really liked books, so my mother bought it for me. In the end, there were about 30 books in the house; for some people 30 books is not enough, for others it is too many. But…

Wise Science

It is impossible to count how many fields there are in science. Chemistry is closely related to physics, and something is closely related to something else. Thus, various combinations of sciences are created, and even new sciences are born. Of course, there are matters and problems that ourMrs. Sciencehas so far been short-handed. Cancer research…

Caring for Bees with the Help of Space

In recent decades, the direction of biodynamic agriculture, in which strong influences from space on Earth are used not only to grow crops but also all other products, has become increasingly popular. This means that the moon, all the planets, and even entire constellations of planets influence the earth\’s climate and send their intense energy…